Jun 22, 2011

Old Armory Building in Kenora

We are working on a cool floor for the old armory building in Kenora. We poured a new concrete floor to re-level the old floor. The pour was 11.5" thick at thickest and 2" thick at the thinnest. In this picture Carol lays out some stained glass flowers into what will be the foyer to their living quarters.  

This flower pattern spans across a 10' area. We covered to the flowers with concrete for now but will polish the concrete down to expose the glass when we go back to acid stain the floor. 

Harry and Stacey power trowelling the floor.

Alex shows off his power trowelling skills as well. The pour went very well. We even got to go fishing while we waited for the concrete to set up. Good times in Kenora.

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